These Things You Daily Use are Shipped by Cargo Ships
The shipping industry makes the world become a smaller place. It is because of the efficient transportation using different types of ships, goods of one country are used by people of the whole world.
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Shipping Problems Squeeze China’s Exporters
A logjam in the global shipping industry is testing the resilience of China’s exporters, who have driven the country’s economic recovery by churning out goods to meet surging global demand during the Covid-19 pandemic
Ten Interesting Facts About Ocean Freight shipping that you never knew
The largest ship can transfer up to 18,000 containers, and to put that into perspective, it would equal 745 million bananas. The ship carrying that number of containers could give every single European a banana, and there would still be some leftover.
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Chaos at the U.S Capitol: Congress reconvenes, 1 woman shot has died, curfew in effect
A woman has died after being shot as pro-Donald Trump protesters stormed the US Capitol amid a last-ditch effort to overturn his election, lossseveral law enforcement officials said.