These Things You Daily Use are Shipped by Cargo Ships
The shipping industry makes the world become a smaller place. It is because of the efficient transportation using different types of ships, goods of one country are used by people of the whole world.


China factories will vary closures over Chinese New Year
According to forwarders, there is a great deal of uncertainty over supply and demand on the Asia-EU tradelane over Chinese New Year.


Out of control! The freight rate of China to America suddenly jumped, soaring nearly 10% overnight!
The freight rate of China to America suddenly jumped, soaring nearly 10% overnight, but this may be just the beginning. Starting from 2021, high freight rates will follow into the next year, and the challenges faced by the container shipping market will continue into the new year.


Supply chains choke as container shortage persists
As economies around the world emerge from the Covid lockdowns, a new challenge has tripped up supply chains everywhere. A dire shortage of shipping containers in some countries matched by an oversupply in others has created awkward bottlenecks all over the globe.


Breaking News - ONE Apus stack collapse in Mid-Pacific

CMA CGM temporary stop booking from Asia to North Europe until the end of December

How to Start a Business in Vietnam

UK shippers demand parliamentary inquiry into port congestion

Urgency Lockdown! Coronavirus Variant Cut off U.K from Europe