These Things You Daily Use are Shipped by Cargo Ships
The shipping industry makes the world become a smaller place. It is because of the efficient transportation using different types of ships, goods of one country are used by people of the whole world.


CMA CGM temporary stop booking from Asia to North Europe until the end of December
The world’s third-largest shipping group, French container major CMA CGM, notified that it will stop accepting new bookings for routes from China to Europe from now on. According to the news, it will stop for at least three weeks, which has a profound impact on the supply chain.


ONE Apus is expected to arrive in Japan on December 8
After encountering severe weather on Monday, November 30, 2020, and losing sections of its load, ONE Apus (IMO# 9806079) is proceeding to the port of Kobe, Japan with an ETA of December 8.


Breaking News - ONE Apus stack collapse in Mid-Pacific
1st December 2020, ONE released a situation report that notified that 1,900 boxes or more could have been lost on Monday night when the vessel hit heavy weather in the Pacific.


Breaking News - ONE Apus stack collapse in Mid-Pacific

CMA CGM temporary stop booking from Asia to North Europe until the end of December

How to Start a Business in Vietnam

UK shippers demand parliamentary inquiry into port congestion

Urgency Lockdown! Coronavirus Variant Cut off U.K from Europe