These Things You Daily Use are Shipped by Cargo Ships
The shipping industry makes the world become a smaller place. It is because of the efficient transportation using different types of ships, goods of one country are used by people of the whole world.


The United States was hit by a strong hurricane! Many ports are closed!
Hurricane "Laura" is coming! Many U.S. ports closed.
While fighting typhoon "Bavi" in parts of Northeast Asia, Hurricane Laura on the Gulf Coast of the United States has developed into a Category 4 hurricane, which is set to become one of the most severe storms hitting the Gulf Coast of the United States in history.


A 3,000-ton Gasoline Tanker Collided With a Gravel Ship and Caught Fire, Causing 17 People to Die
The Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration officially announced that at 3:39 a.m. on August 20, an oil tanker carrying about 3,000 tons of gasoline collided with a gravel ship about 1.5 nautical miles southeast of the lightship in the Yangtze River Estuary. The accident caused a fire on the deck of the tanker. The gravel ship sank. There were 14 people in the oil tanker, 3 people in the sand and gravel ship, and 17 people in the two ships were in distress. As of 8 o'clock in the morning, the on-site search and rescue force had rescued 3 people who fell into the water.


Bangladesh Decided to Charge for the Transshipment of Indian Goods in Bangladesh
According to a report by Bangladesh's "Daily Star" on July 28, the Bangladeshi government decided to charge a road use fee of 2 taka per ton per kilometer for the transshipment of Indian goods in Bangladesh, but the Indian side asked Bangladesh to reduce the rate.


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