These Things You Daily Use are Shipped by Cargo Ships
The shipping industry makes the world become a smaller place. It is because of the efficient transportation using different types of ships, goods of one country are used by people of the whole world.


Cancellation of Sailings From India, the Port is Chaotic
Due to the suspension of shipping, equipment shortages and the inability of carriers to clear the backlog of orders, container trade outside India is facing increasing congestion. The source added that this was mainly due to the suspension of voyages on almost every trade route.


New Delhi Strengthens Port Entry Inspections
The Indian Ministry of Trade issued a notice requiring importers to obtain special permits to restrict the import of TV sets and other products. It is expected that this move will mainly affect countries such as Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and Singapore.
Prior to this, India and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations signed a free trade agreement (FTA).


Workers in Montreal, Canada, Strike Again
At 7 am on August 3,375 local public employee unions in Canada launched strikes at the Termont terminals in Maisonneuve and Viau.
Montreal port inspectors said they will strike for 48 hours at the Termont terminal on the morning of August 5th. At the same time, the ongoing strike by Changan workers will also end on the morning of August 7th.


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